Online Yoga Guru


Friday, March 20, 2009

Hot Yoga - Cleansing Your Mind, Body, and Soul Through Yoga

More than ever now there seems to be people with ailments and sicknesses that doctors can not cure. Even doctors claiming to be the best in their field cannot relieve their suffering.

It's obvious today's society is in need of a radical change.

Years ago I was very much in need of such a change. I was in terrible shape adn seemed to catch every little thing that came along. I felt miserable most of the time. And with little or no no energy I would feel my body growing weaker each and every day. I saw doctor after doctor but no one could tell me what was wrong with me.

I decided I try like many to self-heal myslef and tried everything I could get my hands on; herbs and vitamins, tonics and cleanses, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, Rolphing, Tai Chi, all promising optimum health. But it's when a friend invited me to partake in a hot-yoga session that my health and life eventually changed!

So what is Hot Yoga you ask? Well although Yoga may be a common phrase around the households of the world, rarely do people really know what it is.

Yoga has many different types and practices, and the one that really impacted my health is “Hot Yoga”. This is the nickname for Birkram yoga. This type of yoga was named after its creator, Bikram Choudury. The reason it is called hot yoga is because this form of yoga is practiced in hot rooms where the rooms are normally at an average temperature of 115 degrees Fahrenheit. This form of yoga focuses on balancing and stretching and is also used to create pressure in your body. This pressure is created by blocking the circulation and blood flow in your body with your stretching and then feeling the blood rush through your veins with the release of your stretch. You can feel your veins being flushed out and cleansed. This is one of the main points of hot yoga.

Hot yoga has 26 different poses for you to practice. And the reason that this is performed in a hot room is so that your entire body is warmed up which allows you to work deep into your muscles and tendons. This helps to heal and exercise your body inside and out. This type of yoga, like many others, is great for decreasing any chronic pains that you may have and even maintaining the health that you already have. With hot yoga you can reduce stress, lose weight and much more. You will find yourself in great physical and mental health by practicing hot yoga.

People tend to imagine yoga as something that is hard and painful, but you'd be surprised at how different it is to practice yoga in a hot room. The heat allows you to go deep into the yoga pose and saves your body from feeling any pain. You begin begin with the standing poses, backbends, forward bends, and then twists and once you reach the last of the 26 poses you feel like you have accomplished something amazing, which you have. Each of these poses are done twice and held for a certain amount of time. Depending on whether you are a beginner or a professional with yoga, these times will differ so that you do not injure yourself and you are familiar with the process. Each of these poses does not only work your muscles and limbs, but it also works on your organs and nervous system. Because hot yoga promotes sweat it's the perfect way to eliminate your inner toxins!

There are a few tips that you need to be aware of before you begin your hot yoga practice. This type of yoga includes an extreme amount of sweating. This means that it would be best for you to wear as little clothing as possible and clothing that you would be comfortable sweating in. Also because of all this sweating, it is important to drink plenty of water before beginning your hot yoga session.

If you are searching for your hot yoga studio there are a few things that you should look for. There are many hot yoga studios that are not certified by Bikram himself. This means that they are not authentic and may not follow the proper procedures. Before you sign up for any classes, you need to ensure that the studio has been certified by Bikram. This will ensure that you are getting the proper instruction that you require. Hot yoga is a great alternative method of healing and can help you make that healthy connection between your body, mind and soul. Yoga of all kinds can help you achieve this connection, but hot yoga does this in a more obvious and powerful way.

If you're already interested and curious about Yoga and are looking to start I highly recommend you try the cleansing power of Hot Yoga!

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